Groundbreaking Founders.
Groundbreaking Returns.

Ten X Labs is an Angel and pre-Seed fund that differentiates itself by creating deep, trusting bonds with first-time Founders before they’re even ready for investment. We combine this trust with expertise and capital to get in on the ground floor of these minority-led, Seed-ready companies.

Ten X Labs Founders

Resilient. Optimistic. Driven.

Great businesses begin with the people behind them. Ten X Labs Founders are resilient, optimistic and not afraid to hustle.


Confident, focused execution

At Ten X Labs, we identify and invest in exceptional first-time Founders who are often overlooked by traditional investors. Our approach identifies promising companies at a very early stage, and minimizes the traditional risks of those investments through thorough pre-investment due diligence of both the company and, crucially, its Founders. We pair this with our “Founders Operating System,” a unique post-investment execution framework that helps our Founders execute rapidly and confidently in the early stages of a company’s life.

Ten X Labs Fund

Odds on favorites

People of color make up more than 30% of the US population, but less than 3% of venture funding goes to black and brown Founders. That 10x disparity — the namesake of our fund — represents an unacceptable level of inequity in the startup ecosystem, but also a massive opportunity to generate outsized economic returns for both investors and Founders.


million dollar investment fund

Investing in

first-time Founders of color

Resulting in

seed stage companies